If I still had my pearl version I would tell y'gaize.
Also someone needs to get KRD in this thread.
kk, I'm here. Too lazy to type out the EVs and Abilities, so I'll just type out the other things (Also, I don't use teams really, I just have tons of EV trained pokemon and out of them I choose to use who I feel like using when I feel like using them). These are in no particular order.
Name (Nickname)/Item/Nature/Moves
(Pokemon Pearl, non-ubers)
- Weavile (Kirer-ice)/Choice Band/Jolly/Night Slash, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Ice Punch
- Blissey (BLISSEY)/Leftovers/Careful/Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Softboiled, Seismic Toss
- Weezing (SxB)/Leftovers/Bold/Haze, Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower
- Mesprit (Joythm)/Leftovers/Impish/Charm, U-turn, Thunder Wave, Light Screen
- Charizard (Seeker)/Choice Specs/Timid/Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast
- Absol/Focus Sash/Adamant/Night Slash, X-Scissor, Quick Attack, Sucker Punch
- Rhydon (Zarilla)/Leftovers/Lonely/Flamethrower, Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Earthquake
- Hypno (BLISSEY)/Leftovers/Calm/Calm Mind, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Psychic
- Tyranitar (Zilla)/Salac Berry/Jolly/Roar, Stone Edge, Crunch, Earthquake
- Blissey (Kolucken)/Leftovers/Modest/Toxic, Ice Beam, Seismic Toss, Softboiled
- Zangoose (ZANGOOSE)/Life Orb/Hardy/Shadow Claw, Quick Attack, Poison Jab, Close Combat
- Torterra (Atlas)/Leftovers/Impish/Leech Seed, Earthquake, Protect, Wood Hammer
- Regigigas (MyLandLord)/Leftovers/Relaxed/Thunder Wave, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Return
- Meganium (Phil)/Leftovers/Relaxed/Aromatherapy, Synthesis, Toxic, Earthquake
- Ninjask (Sonicspeed)/Leftovers/Jolly/Substitute, Baton Pass, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
- Solrock (Dayano)/Leftovers/Relaxed/Will-O-Wisp, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge
- Lucario (Distauryer)/Focus Sash/Modest/Psychic, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse
- Flygon (Fwragon)/Choice Specs/Timid/Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Giga Drain
- Dugtrio (DOnT.wHACK)/Focus Sash/Lonely/Sucker Punch, Aerial Ace, Stone Edge, Earthquake
- Forretress (Cannon)/Leftovers/Bold/Protect, Toxic, Spikes, Rapid Spin
- Dragonite (Meteor)/Yache Berry/Modest/Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave
- Tyranitar (Boah:)o.O)/Leftovers/Modest/Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Surf
- Tyranitar (Brendan)/Leftovers/Impish/Crunch, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Earthquake
- Qwilfish (Poof FTW)/Leftovers/Impish/Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Thunder Wave, Waterfall
- Uxie (Embreon)/Leftovers/Docile/Thunder Wave, Yawn, Psychic, U-turn
- Cresselia (Crelic)/Leftovers/Serious/Calm Mind, Psychic, Rest, Ice Beam
- Zapdos (ZAPDOS)/Leftovers/Modest/Thunderbolt, Agility, AncientPower, Charge Beam
- Plusle (Shock Me)/Choice Specs/Hasty/Nasty Plot, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot
- Electivire (ELECTIVIRE)/Life Orb/Adamant/ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake
- Moltres (KFC)/Leftovers/Rash/Air Slash, Agility, AncientPower, Flamethrower
- Swampert (SWAMPERT)/Leftovers/Adamant/Earthquake, Avalanche, Substitute, Focus Punch
- Gastrodon (The Astros)/Leftovers/Impish/Earthquake, Toxic, Recover, Waterfall
- Venusaur/Leftovers/Gentle/Leech Seed, Toxic, Giga Drain, Protect
- Flygon (IEatGChomp)/Choice Band/Jolly/Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw
- Minun/Choice Scarf/Modest/Hidden Power, Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Copycat
- Fearow (HO-OH)/Life Orb/Adamant/U-turn, Agility, Pursuit, Drill Peck
- Aggron (AGGRON)/Leftovers/Adamant/Roar, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Earthquake
- Azelf (AZELF)/Choice Scarf/Modest/Psychic, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Energy Ball
- Electivire (Voltogrr)/Life Orb/Lonely/Flamethrower, Earthquake, ThunderPunch, Quick Attack
- Ambipom/Life Orb/Bold/Swift, Nasty Plot, Shock Wave, Water Pulse
- Monferno (MONFERNO)/Life Orb/Calm/U-turn, Grass Knot, Close Combat, Flamethrower
- Ludicolo (PINEAPPLE)/Leftovers/Calm/Surf, Rain Dance, Giga Drain, Focus Blast
- Wiscash/Leftovers/Serious/Zen Headbutt, Waterfall, Rock Slide, Earthquake
- Luxray (Lizono)/Life Orb/Adamant/Return, Roar, Spark, Crunch
- Hitmonchan (HITMONCHAN)/Leftovers/Careful/Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, ThunderPunch, Mach Punch
- Electabuzz (advCaveMan)/Choice Specs/Modest/Psychic, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast
- Ampharos (Sheppo)/Salac Berry/Modest/Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Substitute, Focus Blast
- Unown (UNOWN)/Choice Specs/Modest/Hidden Power
- Pikachu (PIKACHU)/Light Ball/Hardy/Volt Tackle, Surf, Brick Break, Thunderbolt
- Jolteon (Demon Cat)/Life Orb/Modest/Thunderbolt, Hidden Power, Toxic, Shadow Ball
- Roserade (Kirer-leaf)/Leftovers/Bashful/Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Leech Seed, Grass Knot
- Gengar (Fyoraz)/Life Orb/Docile/Focus Punch, Substitute, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
- Jirachi (JIRACHI)/Leftovers/Docile/Wish, Toxic, U-turn, Stealth Rock
- Ninetales (Tails Doll)/Life Orb/Rash/Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Hidden Power
- Spiritomb (Spirit)/Leftovers/Impish/Toxic, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Shadow Sneak
- Aerodactyle (Dragon)/Life Orb/Adamant/Aerial Ace, Thunder Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge
- Aerodactyle (Killer)/Life Orb/Lonely/Fire Blast, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge
- Blastoise (Mantank)/Leftovers/Impish/Rapid Spin, Waterfall, Rock Slide, Earthquake
- Aerodactyle (Red)/Life Orb/Jolly/Stealth Rock, Fire Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge
- Abomasnow (Small Foot)/Leftovers/Adamant/Ice Shard, Substitute, Leech Seed, Focus Punch
- Umbreon (Kiro)/Leftovers/Careful/Rest, Protect, Toxic, Payback
- Abomasnow (Frahstee*)/Icicle Plate/Timid/Blizzard, Energy Ball, Focus Punch, GrassWhistle
- Blaziken (Kirer-fire)/Shell Bell/Adamant/Sky Uppercut, Agility, Stone Edge, Flare Blitz
- Articuno (Artica)/Icicle Plate/Serious/Roost, U-turn, Ice Shard, Blizzard
- Froslass (Frostress)/Focus Sash/Timid/Thunder Wave, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Confuse Ray
- Starmie (Dizostar)/Choice Scarf/Quiet/Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Surf
- Skarmory (Comet)/Lum Berry/Impish/Roar, Drill Peck, Spikes, Roost
- Spiritomb (Wondertomb)/Leftovers/Modest/Will-O-Wisp, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Shadow Ball
- Butterfree (BUTTERFREE)/SilverPowder/Quiet/Bug Buzz, Sleep Powder, Shadow Ball, Psychic
- Gyarados (Bobalu x2)/Leftovers/Hardy/Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Waterfall, Roar
- Sceptile (CARLOS)/Lum Berry/Timid/Focus Blast, Agility, Energy Ball, Dragon Pulse
- Floatzel (Kirer-aqua)/Leftovers/Impish/Bulk Up, Crunch, Brick Break, Aqua Jet
- Magmortar (MAGMORTAR)/Life Orb/Modest/Flamethrower, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast
(Pokemon Pearl, Ubers)
- Ho-oh (ChocRainBo)/Leftovers/Rash/Solar Beam, Overheat, Thunder Wave, Thunder
- Deoxys (Metrite)/Focus Sash/Timid/Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
- Latios (Matios)/Soul Dew/Rash/Charge Beam, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, SolarBeam
- Palkia (Twilight)/Lustrous Orb/Modest/Surf, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Spacial Rend
- Lugia (FatePlayer)/Leftovers/Mild/Recover, Surf, Whirlwind, Thunder Wave
- Groudon (Shrasu)/Life Orb/Adamant/Swords Dance, Shadow Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge
(Pokemon Platinum, traded over from Pearl)
- Plusle (Nana)/Choice Specs/Hasty/Nasty Plot, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot
- Mesprit (Joythm)/Leftovers/Calm/Trick Room, Ice Beam, Reflect, Thunderbolt
- Weezing (S.N.O.D.)/Leftovers/Impish/Payback, Gyro Ball, Haze, Explosion
- Blissey (BLISSEY)/Leftovers/Bold/Softboiled, Refresh, Charge Beam, Ice Beam
- Weavile (Kolehja)/Choice Band/Adamant/Night Slash, Brick Break, Swords Dance, Ice Shard
- Absol (Kirsol)/Choice Specs/Rash/Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt
(Pokemon Diamond, pokemon that were hacked for me for testing purposes)
- Gallade (NoLucario)/Leftovers/Adamant/Shadow Sneak, Psycho Cut, Brick Break, Leaf Blade
- Phione (i r uber)/Leftovers/Calm/Rain Dance, Rest, Surf, Ice Beam
- Espeon (Santha)/Life Orb/Timid/Psychic, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Fake Tears
- Suicune (Waterrwolf)/Leftovers/Bold/Rest, Calm Mind, Roar, Surf
- Feraligatr (ICutU)/Leftovers/Adamant/Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Earthquake
- Flareon (Uthless)/Leftovers/Careful/Curse, Fire Fan, Will-O-Wisp, Quick Attack
- Salamance (TooOUForU)/Leftovers/Careful/Roar, Roost, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw
- Sandslash (Sraser)/Leftovers/Impish/Rapid Spin, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Earthquake
- Altaria (Burrd)/Leftovers/Calm/Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Roost
- Cloyster (Spike)/Leftovers/Impish/Spikes, Toxic, Iron Defense, Ice Shard
- Magmortar (Chucky)/Life Orb/Modest/Cross Chop, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Psychic
- Lanturn/Leftovers/Calm/Stockpile, Rest, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
- Golduck/Leftovers/Calm/Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Surf, Psychic
- Zangoose (Shrash U)/Life Orb/Adamant/Close Combat, Ice Punch, Shadow Claw, Quick Attack
- Rattata (Shirly)/Focus Sash/Adamant/Endeavor, Sucker Punch, Toxic, Quick Attack
- Mightyena/Focus Sash/Adamant/Sucker Punch, Crunch, Rock Smash, Roar
- Houndoom/Focus Sash/Modest/Flamethrower, Spite, Slidge Bomb, Dark Pulse
- Scyther (EatWheat)/Choice Scarf/Adamant/Quick Attack, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Pursuit
- Rhyperior (Rilla)/Leftovers/Adamant/Earthquake, Stone Edge, Hammer Arm, Crunch
With the exception of the pokemon in Diamond, and my Froslass in Pearl, all of these pokemon were caught/traded/gotten from events fairly. The Froslass was still trained by me though, along with every other single pokemon I have other than the Diamond ones.
Another note: Most of my Ubers in Pearl (All but Palkia) are copies of the originals that I either caught or got in a trade from a friend who lives in New York City who went to the events. The only reason for having copies was that the copies have nicknames. Other than that they were exactly the same and were still trained by me.